
Address: Pofalicka 11, Sarajevo, Bosina & Herzegovina – 71000
Phone: +387 33 973088
Website: Email:  
Facebook: ISKCON Sarajevo Videos: Watch Videos 
Contact person: Dhira-prasanta das, Mobile:  +387 61150115.  
Description: The temple was established on 8 October 2009.  The temple has 4 brahmacaries who mostly do book distribution and it also serves for spiritual gatherings of the congregational members and as a preaching center for newcomers. Every day we have Mangal arati at 5:00, Guru Puja and Bhagavatam Class at 7:15 and evening Bhagavad gita programs at 6:30pm. We have regular Sunday Feasts at 5pm, as well as annual festival ceremonies. Sarajevo congregation numbers around 100 devotes. A group of them has been engaged in 'Food for life' project for the last 20 years, visiting and spiritually entertaining people in nursery homes, orphanages and homes for retarded people. The presiding Deities of our temple are Sri-Sri Gaura-Nitai, which are not formally installed. If someone wants to visit our temple from abroad and stay for a few days, we strongly recommend that he/she contacts us beforehand.


Vrinda Devi
Vrinda Devi

ISKCON Sarajevo Temple Hall
ISKCON Sarajevo Temple Hall


ISKCON Sarajevo Temple


ISKCON Sarajevo
Sri Sri Gaura Nitai