Hare Krishna Primary School – Riverhead, Auckland, New Zealand

Address: 1229 Coatesville Riverhead Highway, Riverhead, Auckland, New Zealand – 0892
Phone: (64)-9 412-6325, 64 9 416-1318, 09 412 6325 Mail: PO Box 349, Kumeu. Auckland, 1250. New Zealand
Website: www.harekrishna.school.nz  Email: prana@e3.net.nzadmin@harekrishna.school.nz
Principal: Prana Das
Office Visiting Hours: 8:30-9am & 1-3pm (Saturday), 11-2pm (Sunday)
Language: English Board Day: Day Boys/Girls:  Both Ages Grades: K-8

Description: The Hare Krishna School is a 9am – 3pm 5 days-a-week government funded school that covers all core subjects in the New Zealand Curriculum and in addition teaches Sanskrit, Sastra and Vedic arts. Children who come to this school get everything that children at state schools get plus Vedic culture and values.